The Spectacular Yaxcopoil Hacienda

Yaxcopoil Hacienda is a Must-See

Along with the Hacienda Ochil, another great place to stop for photos and get a real feel for the history of the Yucatan (the great wealth of a privileged few built on the burnt backs of an exploited many) is the Hacienda Yaxcopoil.

Once a 25,000 acre cattle ranch dating from the 1600's, this hacienda or plantation turned to the production of henequen or sisal when it became clear that this was where the big money was. 

At the hacienda (current admission price 75 pesos per person) you can self-tour through the site and admire the enormous wealth evident by the construction details throughout (check out the machine and warehouse rooms!) as well as furniture, photographs and maps, books, glassware and much more. The property also contained many Mayan ruins including a ball court and many of the ceramics, stellae and other carved stone elements found are on display as well.